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Lifestream walk Westkreuz Berlin


Every year at Soundtrackcity we organise a soundwalk on 18 july on occasion of World Listening Day. Till now these walks were in The Netherlands every year. This year we will change that and do a walk around Westkreuz and stream the walk with one of the mobile mics of Radio Earth. We will start the Lifestream walk Westkreuz early in the morning, around 7:00 AM. and when we are finished walking we place the Mobile Mic somewhere in the area to continue streaming until the next morning. If you want to join the walk, reservation is mandatory. If you want to join the stream, you can do that from anywhere in the world through:
Westkreuz as an infrastructural node has a weird genesis (keywords: AVUS, NS zeit, Reichsbahn, DDR) The highway interchange is one of the oldest and at the same time most trafficked in Germany. The land is literaly shredded by the infrastructure into pieces which are barely accessible on foot. We have visited the area regularly in recent years and observed how it developed.
This time we will visit as much interspaces as possible and listen to how these spaces and its human and non-human dwellers cope and interact with the sound of passing motorised tin, steel and rubber.

This event has happened

18 Jul, 2023 · 05:00 Africa/Abidjan
18 Jul, 2023 · 05:00 Africa/Abidjan
18 Jul, 2023 · 05:00 UTC

Hosted by: Soundtrackcity


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walking as research.

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found actions

Actions that people engage in – including walking – extracted from everyday life and inspected in isolation. After the method of using ‘ready-made’ objects or ‘Found Objects’.

Added by Patrick Ford

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