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If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.

- Barack Obama
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O polímata alemão

22 Mar, 2025 · Placecloud
Cape Town South Africa O termo “polímata” remonta a pelo menos 1603, quando foi usado pela primeira vez no título de uma obra publicada pelo alemão Johann van Wowern. Ele definiu a polimatia como "o conhecimento de diversos assuntos, extraído de to...

De Duitse alleskunner

22 Mar, 2025 · Placecloud
Cape Town South Africa De term ‘polymath’ gaat terug tot ten minste 1603, toen deze voor het eerst werd gebruikt in de titel van een gepubliceerd werk van de Duitser Johann van Wowern. Hij definieerde polymathie als "kennis van verschillende zaken, geh...

The German polymath

22 Mar, 2025 · Placecloud
Cape Town South Africa The term ‘polymath’ dates back to at least 1603, when it was first used in the title of a published work, by the German Johann van Wowern. He defined polymathy as "knowledge of various matters, drawn from all kinds of studies ......

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