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Alison Lloyd

Alison Lloyd

Alison Lloyd is an artist whose work stretches back to the 1970’s. In 2014 she began to exhibit this work alongside new work with her exhibition Grains at TG Gallery in Nottingham, which also published her book Jake. These photographic series capture a range of speculative and choreographed happenings, recalling moving-image and performance. In 2010 she wrote Contouring: Women, Walking and Art, which described the world of women artists of the 1960s, 70s and early 80s.

Recent exhibitions include Artist + Academic: collaborative practices, Mansions of the Future, Summer School presentation, Instagram Takeover Meadow Behind Bars, Survival Skills for Peak Art, London, Southend (1982), Salon de Normandy, Paris and Runner Beans (1982) installed at The Attic, Nottingham. These projects were generously supported by TG Gallery, Nottingham, Community Paris, Paris, Version Magazine with Robert Wun, the Edgework, London Peak, London, Travelling Gallery, Edinburgh, Ollie Tirre curator of The Attic, and Arts Council England.


To foreground the role of electronic technology in shifting the range and possibilities of cultural wandering.

Added by David Overend

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