My feed


First and foremost, I am a believer of the Savior and His father. For 29 years, I've been the wife of a wonderful husband, son, father, brother, uncle, and friend. Two beautiful daughters and one granddaughter brighten my life and give me purpose. The youngest of six children, I love families, friends, and joy. Professionally, I've embraced working in Human Resources for many years.

Beyond these things, animals and earth have long been my joys. As a child, camping, hiking, sports and a love for animals formed my current mindset and prepared me to understand and appreciate the importance of each. Earth for its beauty, elements, and historical relevance; sports for its compassion, competitiveness and healthy components; animals for their unconditional love, including that of the earth.

In my later years of life, the outdoors has become my love. Gardening, walking, fresh air, and joy are my solace. A simple, peaceful person is who I've embraced and become.


A drawing made on an outside environment, trafitti combines the word “graffiti”, to inscribe a surface, “trace” (which itself combines the meanings track, to make ones way, and to draw), and “traffic”, the passage of people or vehicles in transit, or the conveyance of messages or data through a communications system.

Added by R and F Mo

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