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Annie Tsevdomaria

Annie Tsevdomaria

Annie Tsevdomaria is a graduate of the Film Department of the School of Fine Arts, AUTh, with a degree in Direction of Photography alongside professor Dimitris Theodoropoulos. At the same time she completed her studies at the Stereosis School of Photography, on photographic art. In 2017 she was admitted to the MSc "Applied-Clinical Sociology and Art" of the University of Western Macedonia in Florina and the University of the Aegean, which she completed in 2019, focusing on visual and ethnographic mapping, from which artistic intervention CitywithinCity emerged and continues to this day. In 2018 she held her first solo photo exhibition entitled Rainroom. She has published two photo books and participated in four team exhibitions. In 2020 she attended the Ionian University Open Art educational program on interactive art forms, Performance Art and Arduino, which resulted in the interactive project Marauder’s Mirror. She currently works as a photographer and videographer in a private company, and as a freelancer, having at the same time two active projects that focus on the photographic and the interactive self- portrait in the public space. Finally, Video Art is one of her main interests.


Psychogeography with more jokes.

Added by Phil Smith

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