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Ana Rosa Colhado

Ana Rosa Colhado

Enviromental Journalist based in London and working for Brazil
The VOLUME VIVO Project is an independent news curation and content production initiative on water issues (video and social media).

Coordinated by journalist Ana Rosa Colhado in partnership with Caio Silva Ferraz - director of the web series that gave life to the project - the initiative is dedicated to gathering and sharing information on water management with a focus on the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, pointing out, whenever possible, alternatives to increase water security in the region.

The VOLUME VIVO Project is one of the 60 entities of the Alliance for Water ( WWF Brazil, Greenpeace Brazil, World Resource Institute (WRI) among others), a civil society coalision created in 2014 to face the water drought in São Paulo and build a “New Culture of Water Care” in Brazil.


Crossing a street or highway not at an official cross walk or signalled controlled junction; in North America it is an offence for which you can be fined.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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