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Daniel Beerstecher

Daniel Beerstecher

Daniel Beerstecher, born 1979, lives and works in Stuttgart, Rio de Janeiro and while travelling. From 2003-2010 Beerstecher studied at the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart. He has received numerous scholarships and awards for his artistic work and has exhibited his works internationally in renowned institutions, including solo exhibitions in São Paulo, Göppingen, Rio de Janeiro, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart and Berlin as well as participation in group exhibitions in Istanbul Modern, Istanbul; the B3 Biennale of the Moving Image, Frankfurt and the Montevideo Biennale 500 Years of Future. Installations, international travel and video performances, where Daniel Beerstecher meets a random audience, characterize his artistic work. The art is taken from the conventional spaces and is created in the public space during the process. Contact with people is a decisive component of his work. The aim is to create new spaces for interpretation and, in a sense, to put the "world order" to the test.

slow marathon

A marathon length walk in Huntly/Aberdeenshire and other places, where people can walk as slow as they like. Celebrating the human pace, it is both an endurance event as well as a poetic act that brings together friendship, physical activity and an appreciation of our varied landscapes.

Added by Claudia Zeiske

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