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Fay Stevens

Fay Stevens

(United Kingdom)


SWS24 shortlisted
I am an archeologist (UCL) and award-winning lecturer and researcher and have worked in archeological projects in Armenia, Europe and the UK and travelled extensively on academic research including Syria, Jordan, USA and Japan. I specialize in the philosophy of phenomenology and was part of a ground-breaking project at UCL developing phenomenological research methods and thinking in landscape archeology. This includes a methodology of perambulation, a strolling enquiry into memory and a philosophy of walking that transcends time and place. One iteration of this is in my design and running of courses in writing and walking, most recently 'London Heritage. Walking the City, Writing the Past' for the University of Notre Dame where I am Adjunct Associate Professor.

I am a trained archaeological illustrator with a developed practice in conceptual drawing. My work is a process of excavation; an unravelling of layers of time, memory and substance. It is a philosophical enquiry and experience, concerned with sustainability, trace, elements, the senses, inscription and corporeal interplay. I have held artistic residences in England, Scotland, Hungary and Spain, curated visual and performance art events at Arnolfini (Bristol), Salisbury (UK) and Bath (UK) and exhibited my work in the UK, Berlin, Hungary, Sweden and Japan. This includes an AHRC funded project held at an arboretum in Somerset, UK (2015) which produced a series of tree drawings that have been exhibited (solo and group exhibitions) and published, funded residences in Hungary with Kaposvar Arts (2015, 2019) which produced a series of drawings concerned with heritage and a residency with Joya Air Arte+Ecologica (2017) which produced a series of exhibited tree-based drawing works and walking works that focused on hydrology and migration and exhibited film work and writings on wind.

Recent posts on my Project 'Walkeology' can be found here:

Some posts on my walking in circles project here:

Exhibition Catalogue:

shaugraun, shogarawn

A wandering condition, a drifting or vagabond state, as in “He’s gone on the shogarawn.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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