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Hamish Sewell



Hamish Sewell


SWS Advisory Board 2020
SWS Advisory Board 2021
SWS Grand Jury 2022
SWS23 shortlisted
Hamish Sewell is the founder and primary audio producer with the geo locative platform Soundtrails. He has an extensive background in documentary radio and oral history and his works have won him international recognition and awards.

For the last six years, Hamish has built Soundtrails into one of the more successful locative apps of its kind: now operating commercially across 15 sites in Australia, from Myall Creek (the massacre site) and Nimbin (counter culture capital) in northern New South Wales, to Nambour in southern Queensland.

All Soundtrails afford a highly immersive cultural tourism experience, and are each a study into crafted audio, community building and the locative experience.

Hamish is about to step into a PhD with Macquarie University, focusing on Memory Making and Locative Apps.


Cats aren’t known for clomping around like Clydesdales; they’re stealthy. That’s why cat-footing refers to walking that’s more subtle and graceful than that of the average oaf. In Harry L. Wilson’s 1916 book Somewhere in Red Gap, this word appears in characteristic fashion: “…I didn’t yell any more. I cat-footed. And in a minute I was up close.” Cat-footing is a requirement for a career as a cat burglar. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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