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Jan Piribeck

Jan Piribeck’s creative practice explores relationships between the Arts, Humanities and (GISci) Geographic Information Science. She is the Principle Investigator for Maine-Greenland Collaborations, an interdisciplinary project that examines the impacts of a changing environment on coastal communities in Maine and South Greenland. She has led and participated in numerous discussions and about art and environment, and her work has been featured recently in exhibitions such as: Anthropocenic: Art About the Natural World in the Human Era, Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, ME and Melt Down, an exhibition about the Arctic and Antarctica, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland, ME.

earl-footed, hurdle-footed, club-footed

As in “He’s got feet like an earl-footed turnip” (said of someone who walks with his feet turned out). from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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