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Kris Darby

Kris Darby

(United Kingdom)
I am a senior lecturer in drama and performance at Liverpool Hope and have written numerous articles on drama, theatre and performance. My research concerns walking as an aesthetic practice with a specific focus on imaginative travel. I have explored the significance of walking on the stage and has recently developed this research into studies of the symbolic walking of labyrinths and mazes as well as digital ambulation within walking simulator video games. As a sound artist, my work engages with the merging of self with place, exemplified by his ongoing project If Walls Could Hear (2014), which captures the listening of places through binaural recording.

shoggle, worple

Since the 1500s, shoggle has been a word for various sorts of shaking. No wonder it became a word for unsteady walking in the 1800s. Zombies and toddlers are big shogglers. Another term sometimes applied to such precarious ambling is warpling. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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