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Leonard Greene

Leonard Greene

(United States)
I am a 56 year old Father of 2, Cancer survivor, Entrepreneur and ever hopeful Man who believes that it is our responsibility to make life better for all. I believe that we all have opportunities to pay it forward and the responsibility to use our talents for the betterment of all.

I work in the Software Industry, love to travel, dance, cook, bowl and spend time with my grown kids watching them become the wonderful young adults they are shaping into on a daily basis.

snaffle, snoodle

These fanciful-sounding words have no definitive origin: They probably just sounded right to someone who was sauntering, which is what they both mean. An Oxford English Dictionary (OED) example from 1821 describes someone “soodling up and down the street.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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