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Lila Bullen-Smith

Lila Bullen-Smith (b.1995, Johannesburg) is an artist and researcher based in Amsterdam. She is currently studying towards her MFA at the Sandberg Instituut. She completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Media Studies at The University of Auckland in 2018, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (First Class Hons) in 2016 at Elam School of Fine Arts. From 2017-2019 she was a collective member of RM Gallery, establishing the RM Women’s Moving Image Grant and Archive Project. She has exhibited in numerous galleries across New Zealand, and has written for Another Gaze: A Feminist Film Journal, #500words, and other publications.

The Walking Institute

A peripatetic school for the human pace – it explores, researches and celebrates the human pace by bringing walking and other journeying activities together with arts and other cultural disciplines and people from all walks of life.

Added by Claudia Zeiske

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