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Martin Foessleitner

Martin Foessleitner

Martin Foessleitner
Martin Foessleitner is the founder and managing director of, a Vienna-based applied information design agency. Since 1999, it has been developing universal design for municipalities, industrial enterprises, and non-profit organisations.
With ten years of management experience at a global Japanese digital imaging company, Foessleitner now shares his knowledge at various European educational institutions, including Sigmund Freud University Vienna and the Art Academy of Latvia. He is also a board member at designaustria and a organizer of the IIIDawards for Information Design.
He is currently working on new information design for Schönbrunn Palace.


A place to gaze. Conspectuses are viewpoints where the terrain opens itself naturally to the viewer, where the eye can thread in and out of the circle of hills, and names suggest a narrative sequence offering the possibility of beginning to know where you are. Traditional conspectus include suidhe (Gaelic, seat), used to view hunting.

Added by Alec Finlay

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