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Miguel Bandeira Duarte

Miguel Bandeira Duarte



Miguel Bandeira DuarteNatacha Moutinho
Born in Caldas da Rainha, 1970.
Postdoctoral student, Art Department, University Beira Interior, 2023;
Researcher at Lab2PT – Landscape, Heritage and Patrimony Laboratory
PHD in Fine Art: Drawing, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, 2016;
Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia grant SFRH/BD/70950/2010;
Director of Museum Nogueira da Silva, Braga, 2015-2022;
Master in Drawing, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, 2007;
Since 2002 teach Drawing, Art and Design theory and practice at the School of Architecture, Art and Design, University of Minho;
Degree in Graphic Design, School of Fine Arts, University of Porto, 1994.


A highly influential ideologue of neorealism, scriptwriter and director Cesare Zavattini suggested “pedinare,” the Italian word for stalking or shadowing, as a technique for filmmaking. Pedinare in cinema entailed “tailing someone like a detective, not determining what the character does but seeking to find out what is about to ensue.” The etymology of the word in Italian suggests “legwork” as it is derived from the Italian word for foot, “piede.” It is possible to suggest that the proliferation of images of walking in Italian Neorealism is closely linked to the technique of pedinamento, not because all neorealist filmmakers were followers of Zavattini, but because going out onto the street to encounter the everyday life of post-war Italian cities and creating cinematic tools to articulate these encounters were major concerns for the filmmakers of that era.

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