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Misha Myers

Misha Myers

(United Kingdom)
Misha Myers brings people together through located and digital forms of relational performance to walk, talk, sing, play, map, write and read in and about place together. She has co-created methods with diverse stakeholders in global contexts for documenting, archiving, analyzing, visualizing and sharing people’s stories, practices and embodied knowledge of the environment and place-making through interactive, locative, screen and audio-based technologies. What emerges out of this work is an inquiry into how technologies may be used to understand people’s experiences of connection/disconnection from place, or the ecosystems they are part of and affect, particularly in a time of mass migration and global climatic change. Misha is Professor of Contemporary Performance and Head of School of Stage and Screen at University of Greenwich in London. She is an Honorary Adjunct Professor and Research Fellow in Deakin Motion Lab at Deakin University in Melbourne, where she founded the Extending Realities Forum, bringing together Australian academics, producers, curators and creators working across virtual production, game design, film and performance disciplines. In 2012, she co-founded the ongoing ‘The Walking Library Project’ with collaborator Dee Heddon to explore the relationships between reading, walking and environment. She conceived and co-created the award-winning interactive multimedia storytelling platform 'way from home' in 2004 with UK inhabitants of refugee and asylum seekers background. The platform mapped their remembered landscapes and stories of home-making and attracted an AOL Innovation in the Community Award the project partner and refugee support organisation Refugees First. In 2015, she co-convened the international symposium 'Where to? Steps towards the Future of Walking Arts' with Clare Qualmann and the Walking Artist Network at Falmouth University.


A gentle walk: Sall we geng fir a daander doon da rodd?

Added by Janette Kerr

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