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I am an experienced writing tutor, offering inspirational one-off workshops and residentials as well as ongoing weekly creative writing and poetry classes (online and face-to-face). I offer writers guidance and stimulus, bringing a rich variety of sources – texts, paintings, film clips, music and stories – to my teaching and suggesting new and enriching ways of engaging with landscape and other themes.

I studied art history, have an MA in Creative & Professional Writing, and worked as a freelance journalist and professional gardener.

The Garden of Shadow and Delight is my collection of prose poems on gardens (Cinnamon Press, 2014); other poems appear in magazines including Acumen, Artemis and Smiths Knoll.
I live in a small Hertfordshire village near London, go walking, swim wild and practise a silent meditation of the heart.


A workshop with walking at its focus.

Added by James Cunningham

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