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Ruth Broadbent

Ruth Broadbent

artist · educator · walk.draw (United Kingdom)


Marŝarto24 shortlisted
Ruth Broadbent’s creative practice is inspired by nature and ecology, and informed by her background in art, sociology, human rights and languages. She teaches in universities, colleges and adult education, is a member of drawing, walking and ecology artist networks, exhibits her work regularly and creates events for organisations and festivals. She can also be found at walk.draw (online and in-person walking and drawing walkshops and events) and is a Co-Director of Walking the Land CIC.


A person, book, map, etc. that frames a series of walks and points of observation and contemplation with a particular town, city or landscape – it often places the fictional, fanciful, fragile and personal on equal terms with tangible, municipal history.

Added by stephen hodge

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