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Sue Thomas

Sue Thomas

I write about life, nature and technology. I'm especially interested in digital wellbeing and the practicalities of integrating the physical with the virtual. I'm currently writing 'The Fault in Reality'.

My most recent book is 'Nature and Wellbeing in the Digital Age' (2017) practical ways to connect to nature without logging off. Other titles include 'Technobiophilia: nature and cyberspace' (2013), a study of metaphors in nature and technology; 'Hello World: travels in virtuality' (2004), a travelogue/memoir of life online, and the novel 'Correspondence' (1992), a story of transformation which was short-listed for the Arthur C. Clarke Science Fiction Award. From 2005-13 I was Professor of New Media at De Montfort University and I'm now a Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University.

mindful walking

A form of mindful movement. It uses the everyday activity of walking as a mindfulness practice to help you become more aware of the sensations in your body. By tuning into your environment and the sensations in your body as you walk, it can help you to focus on the present moment.

Added by Kel Portman

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