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Virginia Madsen

Audio creator locative media/research and teaching academic
Dr Virginia Madsen is senior research and teaching academic in media, Macquarie University, Australia. Prior to her teaching and research career she was a founding member of the internationally renowned Australian ABC audio arts and performance program, The Listening Room. A distinguished producer-director, Madsen has created a large body of feature and performance work in sound and for radio, and contributed to theatre, film and museum productions. She has published widely on audio media forms and public broadcasting history. She continues as a creator, director and writer for new sound media platforms. Contact: Research Profile:


A drawing made on an outside environment, trafitti combines the word “graffiti”, to inscribe a surface, “trace” (which itself combines the meanings track, to make ones way, and to draw), and “traffic”, the passage of people or vehicles in transit, or the conveyance of messages or data through a communications system.

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