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Walking Interconnections Sophie Cabot Vicky Vergou

Walking Interconnections Sophie Cabot Vicky Vergou

Sophie is from Montreal Quebec and she is a French speaker. Vicky was born in Greece and lived in the UK for over 20 years. We have both been communicating in a second language; English. We initially met on December 28th 2020 in an online forum organised by the organisation OIKA1 on art and ecological intelligence. During the general conversation amongst all the artists we both mentioned the importance of walking in our art practice and shared a need for collaboration. We very quickly recognised each other’s skills and allowed leadership roles accordingly just by both supporting the idea of collaboration and putting it to practice in this encounter.
So many things can distinguish us and so many others bring us together. We gradually discover affinities, concerns and common intentions. No doubt this is what put us in touch with invisible strings? It was curiosity, a taste for risk, and daring that fostered our meeting.
Then there is the effervescence of the meeting which generates something new, a bubbling.


Invented by locals in Barcelona to describe walking and hanging out in the area of Raval, exploring the barrio, taking a coffee, experiencing pride in this most diverse area of the city. and contributing to the inclusive, dynamic neighborhood that is home to many immigrants. The verb was promoted by Fundacio Tot Raval and the City Council.

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