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Days of Dark & Light – poems by David Thompson

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Recent poems by Frome (Somerset) writer, who explains that during the period from early 2020 to mid-2021, when the Covid-19 pandemic dominated much of daily life, many elements of experience were limited by an array of restrictions. Without travel, or the opportunity for everyday encounters, imagination and memory became even more important. In his case, a return to writing, and particularly to poetry, was a means of escaping or transcending the collapse of normal life. At the same time, he wanted to explore a variety of poetic forms, some of them unfamiliar, that were stimulating to attempt and seemed to match latent images and feelings. Includes the poet’s own illustrations. Published by Hobnob Press in September 2021, 74pp, illustrated paperback, £9.95, ISBN 978-1-914407-16-1

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The practice of a mis-guide.

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