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Guidebook for an Armchair Pilgrimage


Pilgrimages—real and imagined—are always popular, sometimes compulsory. Bodh Gaya, Santiago, Mecca, Jerusalem, and Puri are a few of the sites that beckon. The pilgrimage to the authentic self takes a similar path in an interior landscape. In the 15th century, Felix Fabri combined the two, using his visits to Jerusalem to write a handbook for nuns wanting to make a pilgrimage in the imagination, whilst confined to their religious houses. For Guidebook for an Armchair Pilgrimage, the authors followed Fabri’s example. First they walked together over many weeks, not to reach a destination but simply to find one. Then, in startling words and images, along lanes and around hills, into caves and down to the coast. Over the course of the 19-day Armchair Pilgrimage, they invite the reader to experience the world around them just as they did as they walked. 

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Drawing with (vocal) sound in response to place while passing through place. Driftsinging borrows from the Situationist Drift, and Baudelaire’s flâneur. Driftsinging also relates to the process of ‘sounding,’ the sonic measuring of distance and depth that locates position in place and ‘echo location’, the examination of place through sonic reflection and refraction, resonance and echo.

Added by R and F Mo

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