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Australian Walking Artists

Australian Walking Artists is a new, growing and evolving collective with members from nearly every state in Australia who share a passion for walking as a method of creative investigation and artistic production. We explore the possibilities of Walking Art in the Australian context by meeting and walking together whenever possible, exhibiting together, online and in-person discussions, and encouraging collaborative projects among our members.

There is a rich and eclectic range of creative practices among the Australian Walking Artists that include photography and videography, printmaking, sound art, painting, collage, drawing, use of textiles and found objects, performance, social engagement and walkshops.

Underlying all our work is WALKING, putting one foot in front of the other (literally and metaphorically), in the rural, urban and suburban landscapes of a country riddled with the ongoing consequences of colonialisation, industrialisation and urbanisation. The Australian Walking Artists see walking as a gesture of optimism.



Australian Walking Artists goes ‘Way Beyond’

Molly Wagner and Kim Goldsmith talk about the exhibition 'Way Beyond', currently running in Sydney, and hosting work from around 20 Australian walking artists.


Psychogeography with more jokes.

Added by Phil Smith

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