My feed

Walking as Artistic Practice

This site has served as both a home-base for walking workshops, and a research organization tool while I have been writing a book
Ellen Mueller

Walking Arts Encounters and Conference

An international meeting and conference on Walking Arts in Catalonia
Clara Gari

Walking Art / Walking Aesthetics

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio

Walking and Art

a blog about the uses of walking in art

Walking a Grand Tour

An 18 day virtual solo walk from Queralbs to the Montserrat mountains (Spain), to be repeated in August/September in the company of many people. Commissioned by Nau Côclea. The same route twice, in two different ways, two different stories (or not?).
Monique Besten

walking (sideways)

Together with a group of international artists, I walked as a Walking Librarian through Belgium. While walking, I embroidered my thoughts, other peoples' stories and random events and images in the inside of my 3 piece walking suit. This weblog gives a sm
Monique Besten

Walking – Vanessa Grasse

Dance Artist

Walk Colchester

Supporting walking in Colchester for health, happiness and the sake of the environment; advancing walking as sustainable transport; championing inclusive approaches to walking and the design of the walking environment; working towards barrier removal and imporved access to the countryside.

Walk Coach Learn

Refreshing coaching walks to connect your team
Anise Bullimore

Walk Around Philadelphia

Walk Around Philadelphia happens twice a year in February and September, and invites you to set out to explore 100 miles of adventure and discovery around the city’s perimeter.

Voir la marche

See the walks - Collection of pictures
Gilles Malatray

Virtual Rambling

"Virtual Rambling" is all about playing games focused on wandering through amazing environments on-foot. The focus of this group/project is to: i) Have fun - We love games, and we love exploring them, the games we focus on might not be to everyone's tastes, but live and let live. ii) Discover - seek out new worlds, find developers and games you'd never heard of and check their stuff out :) iii) Discuss - connect with other players and see what, how and why we love to immerse ourselves in game worlds We've...
Simon Depledge

Vancouver New Music

Vancouver New Music is dedicated to exploring and contextualizing new music and sonic art, through concert presentations, festival, community, and workshop events.
Vancouver New Music

V Press


UNION Galería

Galería UNION is a Buenos Aires art gallery which showcases works from Argentine and other Latin American artists. The collection is managed from both Buenos Aires and London. The gallery was established by the founders of graffitimundo, a non prof...
Cecilia Quiles

Underwater Listening

A website to host projects and events relating to listening underwater - featuring live, in-person listening walks broadcast to wireless headphones and live-streamed listening walks. The purpose of the walks is to create a situation to pause and list...
Kathy Hinde

Unbound – The Hard Way

My book about walking which is being crowdfunded on Unbound - almost there!
Susannah Walker


/| Seeding community and culture /|

Tough Soles Blog

Ellie Berry

Thread and Word
Elspeth Penfold


In the 1600s, anteambulate referred to walking in front of someone to show them the way, like an usher. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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