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My #Culture30Walks – How Culture 3.0 is your city?

For Carola Boehm a musician-tech-academic, Luigi Sacco’s concept of Culture 3.0 is a key one, characterised by ‘everyday creativity’, co-creation, open platforms, ubiquitously available production tools and individuals constantly shifting and renegotiating their roles between producing and consuming content. This ‘doing away’ with gatekeeping systems supports access, diversity and is evidenced to simply make all our lives healthier, happier, more creative and more resilient.

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My #Culture30Walks – How Culture 3.0 is your city?

Carola Boehm starts from the concept of Culture 3.0 to make some walks and document them in a few twitter threads. These #culture30 walks aim at making visible how places that have attended specifically to cultural policy almost unknowingly enhance the everyday creativity that one encounters on a simple 30 minute walk to work.

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lonning, lonnin

Cumbrian dialect term for ‘lane’ – but a quite specific lane. Lonnings are usually about half a mile long, low level and often with a farm at the end. Many have specific names known only to the local villagers. Hence, Bluebottle Lonning, Lovers Lonning, Fat Lonning, Thin Lonning, Squeezy Gut Lonning or Dynamite Lonning. In the north-east the spelling is lonnin and seems to refer more to an alley than a country lane. The Scottish equivalent is ‘loan’.

Added by Alan Cleaver

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