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WALC Cafe – On the Way from Girona to Banyoles

Video recording:

We have invited Igor Binsbergen, soundwalker who believes that “Listening” (compared to “Seeing”) is a neglected child in our culture but strangely more powerful in many ways, and Laroche (aka Luce Choules), an itinerant artist founder and coordinator of the international artists’ network the Temporal School of Experimental Geography whose practice involves moving over and through places, to inspire us at the dawn of the Walking Art and Relational Geographies Conference in Girona and Banyoles, in Catalonia, Spain.

A conversation about itinerancy, about paths, about our complex relationship with the dynamic processes of the earth, highlighting the impermanence of environmental and social structures. We will follow in the footsteps of the Grand Tour project, which for 10 years has been travelling the Catalan lands on foot.  The event will include soundscapes generated by the walking on the Grand Tour.

Join us for a coffee some hours before the start of the Walking Art and Relational Geographies Conference at which conference curators, Geert Vermeire and Clara Gari will unveil the highlights with a glimpse of the programme: keynote lectures, walkshops, processions, walks, cinema and much more in five dizzying days.

Recorded in University of Girona, Plaça de Sant Domènec, Girona, Spain

Supported by

Contemporary Art Center Nau Coclea

Clara Gari

Walking Arts & Local Communities (WALC) is an artistic cooperation project, co-funded by the European Union, Creative Europe, starting in January 2024 for four years. With seven partners from five countries, WALC establishes an International Center for Artistic Research and Practice of Walking Arts, in Prespa, Greece, at the border with Albania and North Macedonia, backed up by an online counterpart in the format of a digital platform for walking arts.

WALC builds on the previous work of hundreds of artists and researchers already practicing Walking Arts as a collaborative medium, and having met at the significant previous walking arts events and encounters in Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, and during online activities at walk · listen · create.

We acknowledge the support of the EU Creative Europe Cooperation grant program in the framework of the European project WALC (Walking Arts and Local Community).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

walk · listen · café

Collection · 72 items

Walking Art and Relational Geographies

1 - 6 Jul, 2024 · 4 items


Walking Art & Relational Geographies

On the way from Girona to Banyoles

Igor Binsbergen, soundwalker, and Laroche Aka Luce Choules, an itinerant artist founder and coordinator of the international artists' network the Temporal School of Experimental Geography to inspire us at the dawn of the Walking Art and Relational Geographies Conference in Girona and Banyoles

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attentive walking

A method of walking and attending to experienced environment that is free, open and ‘without agenda’. Not to be confused with the idleness of flanerie or the intentions of attitudinal walking.

Added by Sonia Overall

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