“A Walk in the Park” is an exhibition and artist book that brings together ink painting, poetry, and prose to portray the Jardins de l’Abbaye de la Cambre, one of Brussels’ most popular public parks. The artists Mimi Kunz (Brussels) and Alexandra Huddleston (Santa Fe) have spent the last two years developing the work, a playful ode to a beloved place.
A Walk in the Park, a collaborative portrait of the Jardins de l’Abbaye de la Cambre, Brussels
This event has happened
09 Jun, 2023 · 15:25 Africa/Abidjan
09 Jun, 2023 · 15:25 Africa/Abidjan
09 Jun, 2023 · 15:25 UTC
Rue Raphaël 23, Anderlecht, Brussels, Belgium