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Becoming tree: a sensory walking, listening, touching activity

Becoming tree

This self-guided sensory walking activity explores the therapeutic benefits of engaging hands-on with paper whilst going on a walk and connecting with trees.

Participants that are signing up for the activity will receive an activity pack that includes instructions for a self-guided walk and paper sheets. Participants on-site shall be directed to a collection point where the activity packs will be available, participants that join in remotely shall provide their consent for an activity pack being send to their preferred postal address.

After completing this activity in your own time, participants are invited to share experiences and creations in an online facilitated group discussion setting.

This event has happened

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items

4 - 10 Jul, 2021

Hosted by: HUB Prespa
Multiple locations

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Drawing with (vocal) sound in response to place while passing through place. Driftsinging borrows from the Situationist Drift, and Baudelaire’s flâneur. Driftsinging also relates to the process of ‘sounding,’ the sonic measuring of distance and depth that locates position in place and ‘echo location’, the examination of place through sonic reflection and refraction, resonance and echo.

Added by R and F Mo

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