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Online meetup with Ioannis Ziogas: “A Topos of Return: Prespa”

Yannis Ziogas, Watching the sunrise in Daseri, Prespa, 2020

walk · listen · create hosts walk · listen · café, at least once a month online meeting for creatives in the fields of walking and sound art. Every ‘café’ lasts between 1 and 2 hours, is headed by an expert introducing a particular topic, and followed by an open discussion on the topic at hand.
Online meetings are hosted through BlueJeans or similar. Participants will be sent the meeting URL shortly before the event kicks off.


What are the places of personal return?
Who is returning? Where?
How is the need for return connected to walking?
Can we stay motionless and still return?
What do we experience when we walk intending to return?
How different are the walking steps, when they are part of a returning process?
How is the walking body transformed by return?


Return often and take me,
beloved sensation, return and take me –
when the memory of the body awakens,
and old desire runs again through the blood;
when the lips and the skin remember,
and the hands feel as if they touch again.

Return often and take me at night,
when the lips and the skin remember…

C. P. Cavafy


Yannis Ziogas

Yannis Ziogas

I wander in places visible/ invisible. I find objects/incidents (Greece) 

A ‘topos (locus) of Return’ is a place that becomes persistent in one’s memory and body. A place becomes a topos of Return when it attains a strong experiential affinity to the viewer and initiates a strong need to go back to it again. It could be any return: physical, mental, or synaesthetic. It seems that a place becomes a topos of Return when it is a space of conceptual and intellectual synaesthesia. However, many questions remain open;What is a “place”? When is it transformed into topos? When is the decisive moment when a place becomes in one’s existence a locus? To what extent and with what are the words “topos” and “return” different? What does it mean to walk into a place and experience it for the first time? What can the concept of return become significant? Is there more than one place of return for each one of us? How is walking coming into this process?

Prespa is a location in Macedonia, Greece that has become the final outpost of my artistic itinerary. Ι have taken the steep walk from Florina to Prespes (70km) several times over the last fourteen years. The need to undertake this journey derived from my need to revisit Prespa, my topos of Return. 

I first realized that walk in 2007. 

This walking itinerary is also a journey in time, a drift of the endurance of my body, a voyage to the ideas that keep haunting me time and again. Even when I am away, in Athens, in London, or New York, I keep mentally reconstructing this journey and I return to Macedonia with the strong need to gaze at this place, again. 

2007 was the beginning of the Visual March to Prespa and, then, Prespa transformed from a location into a place of personal return. 

There are not too many places that I could characterize as my topoi of return. For various reasons, I have another two: the Archeological site of Keramikos in Athens, and Sygrou Park in Marousi. These three topoi, Prespa, Keramikos and Sygrou Park are the conceptual fields where my entity has been projected and keeps persisting into my feelings and senses.


Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 

Lead image: Yannis Ziogas, Watching the sunrise in Daseri, Prespa, 2020

Poem by Cavafy: From ‘The Complete Poems of C.P. Cavafy’, by C. P. Cavafy, translated by Rae Dalven (W.H. Auden, New York 1961.) Retrieved:  (June 26th 2020)


Yannis Ziogas

Yannis Ziogas

I wander in places visible/ invisible. I find objects/incidents (Greece) 
Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
This event has happened

2020-07-21 18:00
2020-07-21 18:00

walk · listen · café

Collection · 93 items


Inside the Threnches
Walking piece

Ascending into Trenches

Yannis Ziogas I wander in places visible and invisible. I find objects, I trace experiences, I foresee conditions of creativity. Where do I locate myself? I have been in places […]I have wondered in conditions and situations[…] And now I am here. Where is that here? Who do I find in this here?

Walking piece

Libraries as Gardens – sound walk in Athens

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3 thoughts on “Online meetup with Ioannis Ziogas: “A Topos of Return: Prespa”

  1. I saw this a few minutes too late! Will it be recorded and can I watch then? It sounds great!

  2. Hi all. Ioannis has shared the following video:

    Ioannis: “In that, you can see the moment I am meeting the “forbidden forest” minute 2 and then in minute 5:12 meeting with the military unit for mine cleaning of the Greek Civil war in 1948-49.

    The film is from my Magnus Artisticus (search in youtube many others with the same title) project a series of recorded walks where I walked and contemplated on Art in the mountains of Prespa. I describe the incident in an essay the I published in apexart that I attach the relevant pages

    The”Magnus Artisticus” project is an ongoing for 25years project recording the predicament of a contemporary artist.

    He also shared a copy of a story on “Risk and Danger: Six incidents of a nomadic process. The paradigm of Visual March to Prespes.

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