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Presentation Play Play Play, all day every day

Play Play Play, all day every day

On July 18, 2022 Soundtrackcity proudly presents their newest listening guide Play Play Play, all day every day: the world premier of a guide about playing and listening. The celebratory presentation will take place in the Forumzaal of the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA), Oosterdokskade 143, between 17:00 and 19:00.

International and intergenerational
Soundtrackcity publishes the English-language listening guide Play Play Play, all day every day, a guide packed with creative listening scores to perform outside and inside. The guide is for anyone anywhere in the world who can still (and wants to) play and listen. It is a collection of 20 playful scores composed by 11 authors of different ages (born between 1960 and 2005). The scores, based on the premise to play we must listen, are arranged and introduced in three chapters: Solitary Play, Exploratory Play and Cooperative Play.

July 18
The date of July 18 was deliberately chosen; it is ‘World Listening Day’ that day. A day to celebrate the practice of listening and deepen our relation to the world around us.

You are welcome to attend the presentation of Play Play Play, all day every day from 17:00 to 19:00 in the Forum zaal of the OBA, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam.
Renate Zentschnig from Soundtrackcity will give the opening speech and after that, two of the authors will do listening exercises with the audience.
The listening guide is offered at a reduced price this day.

Personal stories behind urban sounds
Soundtrackcity investigates the impact and significance of urban sound together with residents, artists, planners and scientists and developes artistic practises to hear more consciously.
Urban Sound Lab is the nomadic listening workshop of Soundtrackcity. Together with professionals and residents, urban sounds are assessed through activities such as listening walks, workshops, recording sessions and listening parties. Under the guidance of a team of composers, writers and sound artists, participants get to work with the story behind their favourite sounds. The new guide Play Play Play, all day every day builds on this and provides plenty of space for personal notes and drawings.

This event has happened

2022-07-18 15:00
2022-07-18 15:00

Public Library of Amsterdam, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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