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SCHRITTWEISE – Choreographing City


29.09.-02.10.2022 – Thursday – Saturday at 5 p.m. & Sunday at 11 a.m. at Lustgarten Berlin (Museum Island).

Performance on Saturday, 01.10.22 in English. All other performances are in German.

Tickets D
Tickets EN:

SCHRITTWEISE is a participatory walking choreography and performance intervention in public space that comes into being through the creative participation of the audience. An audio guide consisting of short spoken instructions invites the audience to participate in the choreography, which does not require any prior knowledge. For the duration of one hour, the participants listen to instructions and contribute to the overall event through their individual interpretation. A performative field is created in which everyone is simultaneously actor and spectator.

Walking is an everyday activity. It is a universal experience, spanning individuals and cultures. Walking, we establish relationships: between here and there, towards and away from, next to, behind, along with … We walk in different ways and for the most diverse purposes. Walking creates a basis from which we can meet and collectively experience and form the world.

SCHRITTWEISE is a game that is played both individually and in a group.
Step by step, maybe your walking becomes strange …

Participants receive MP3 players with a pre-produced audio guide on site.

Participants receive MP3 players with a pre-produced audio guide on site.
SCHRITTWEISE was created on and in Lustgarten Berlin-Mitte, but can be transferred to any other traffic-free city square.

From the development process of SCHRITTWEISE, a walking choreographic construction kit (complete version available at the end of 2022) is being created in parallel to the performance:

Concept, choreography, artistic direction & speaker: Katja Münker
Documentation, videography, website design & artistic collaboration: Andrea Keiz
Production management & artistic collaboration: Paula Kramer
Dramaturgical support: Maxim Kares
Sound design: Mattef Kuhlmey
Drawings & Technical direction: Andreas Harder
and participants of the research lab & test walkers.

Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Aid Programme Dance. In cooperation with Tanzfabrik Berlin.e from small experiments with movement and perception, conducted while walking.

This event has happened

2022-09-29 15:00
2022-09-29 15:00

Hosted by: Katja Münker & Tanzfabrik Berlin
Eiserne Brücke, Berlin, Deutschland

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mooching (around)

To loiter or walk aimlessly.

Added by Janette Kerr

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