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Street Wisdom In-Person Walkshop in Austin, Texas, USA, 31st May 2024, 10am CST

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Join Carolyn Scarborough for a 2 hour in-person Street Wisdom Walkshop in Austin, Texas, USA on Friday 31st May 2024, meeting at Austin Central Library entrance in 2nd Street (710 W Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78701 – Google link here). The Walkshop starts at 10am CST and ends at 12pm CST.
Street Wisdom is an everyday creative practice you use as you walk. A smart fusion of mindfulness, neuroscience, imagination and wellness, it unlocks our minds and unblocks our creativity with every step. The perfect complement to static meditation, Street Wisdom takes us on a physical journey that not only calms and clears the mind, but opens up the subconscious to new ideas. Not to mention the health benefits of walking outdoors. All without having to travel to exotic climes or retreats. Suddenly, every street is full of inspiration. And whatever our questions, we are finding answers everywhere. 
Find out more on our FAQ page or watch Our Mission video below.

Submitted by: Philip Cowell
This event has happened

2024-05-31 15:00
2024-05-31 15:00

710 W Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78701, USA

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A field of activist performance that utilises walking and moving and talking in rural landscapes to address issues of environmental, social or political concern (Jess Allen).

Added by Deirdre Heddon

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