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Writing Walking

Writing Walking CUCR

Launch of the booklet ‘Writing Walking: One day in Spring during global pandemic’ an edited collection from the Centre for Urban and Community Research

‘What happens when nothing happens on a day in late Spring during a global pandemic? And, how might writing walking sociologically help us to make sense of it?’

Join us to launch our new publication. The pieces contained in this booklet were created in real time during an online workshop held by the Centre for Urban and Community Research in June 2020, when COVID restrictions in England were still in place. The original workshop was put together in direct response to the time of the pandemic that for many of us had reconfigured our relationship with walking, with the places in which we live, and that had also reshaped the public life of the city. 

For many, this was a time when our worlds shrank. Daily routines were shaken up and we became newly connected with our locality through new practices such as the ‘daily exercise walk’. This was a very particular time, then, to consider questions of walking and writing. 

Come and pick up your free copy of the limited print run at this event from LGB 1.1 Laurie Grove.

Submitted by: Andrew Stuck
This event has happened

09 Mar, 2023 · 17:30 Africa/Abidjan
09 Mar, 2023 · 17:30 Africa/Abidjan
09 Mar, 2023 · 17:30 UTC

Hosted by: Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths, University of London
Laurie Grove, London, UK

creative writing

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walking library

A library filled with books suggested as good to take for a walk. (Deirdre Heddon & Misha Myers, 2012)

Added by Deirdre Heddon

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