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Where we are, we are at – See:Saw

Jez Hastings

A photo walkshop examining and questioning the seen and unseen.

I will encourage you to decide, document and record tangible incidents along the journey. Using my model of the three ‘C’s (Consider, Contemplate and Communicate) to develop your own approach to making photographs.

When we see, what do we look at? What do you see? What do I see? Why? What? What happens next? Who sees and who saw? Who will tell the story?

A chance to question further, decide and document through lens or screen and interrogate the three verities of landscape photography: Geography, Autobiography and Metaphor. Sharing knowledge, story, presence, and practice.

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”  Dorothea Lange

Requirements: Attendees will need a photographic device – Camera or Phone or similar and if you wish, a notebook/pencil

Duration: 2 Hours at least!

Participants: Up to 12 

Please note: As part of the nomadism of the encounters this walkshop could eventually become an ongoing action/practice to re-depict the encounters itself

This event has happened

Walking Art and Relational Geographies

5 - 9 Jul, 2022 · 45 items

2022-07-08 15:00
2022-07-08 15:00

Vic, Spain

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To work or walk hurriedly. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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