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SWS21 2021

A High Street Sound Walk in Redruth

Sound walk

Historic England is working with the National Trust and Sound UK to launch a series of self-guided, immersive sound walks to help people discover the magic of their local high streets for Heritage Open Days. Artists Anna Maria Murphy, Sue Hill and Ciaran Clarke’s sound walk explore layers of time to unlock the fascinating strata of sound, voice and story within the high street. It represents a broad spectrum of people and their experiences of Redruth. Listen to local stories from young and old and be immersed in the sounds, voices and history of the high street. Take a step through time with figures such as Robin Knights’, grandson of John Knights of the iconic Redruth department store. Take a moment to slow down, pause and experience the high street in a new way. High Street Sound Walks are available via the Historic England website from 10 September: listen any time via your smartphone or other personal device.

Produced in association with Carn to Cove.

High Street Sound Walks is a commission by Historic England, National Trust and Heritage Open Days with support from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery and produced by Sound UK. It is part of the High Streets Heritage Action Zones Cultural Programme, led by Historic England.


Hosted by: Historic England, National Trust, Sound UK

APA style reference

England, H. (2021). A High Street Sound Walk in Redruth. walk · listen · create.

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To stroll, meander, as in “I thought I’d marl along to see you.” And “He’s always marreling down the road somewhere.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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