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Baú de Memórias Inventadas

Multiple locations

walking as research.

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Collection · 262 items
Sound walk
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Baú de Memórias Inventadas (“Box of Invented Memories”) was an installation produced during the artistic residency Contra |o| Tempo, which took place in December 2021 and was promoted by the Cultural Association Linha de Fuga (Coimbra, Portugal). The residency was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal), the Garantir Cultura Program, and the Directorate-General for the Arts/Ministry of Culture of Portugal. The work consists of six video poems that show the weave of affections that thread together a series of gesture-fragments. They were written by a walking body-landscape, which allowed itself to be crossed by sounds, images, and words and a sensitive walk through the city of Coimbra and which attempted to promote archive practices, taken as ways of making-saying-thinking along the lines of processes of co-creation and appropriation of memories, narratives, and shared spatial and bodily imaginations.

APA style reference

Queiroz, C. (2021). Baú de Memórias Inventadas. walk · listen · create.

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1. Cockney music hall song-walk ‘for me dear old Dutch’. 2. Two of us walking in an anything but straight line (me and ‘er).

Added by hilwalk

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