Exciting New Development Coming soon explores the everyday realities of Paddington Basin; past and present, real and imagined.
Paddington Basin is a man-made area, originally the terminus point of the Grand Union Canal. Now, it is a place whose physical and ideological geography is owned and formed by a conglomerate of private companies, each promising and presiding over our experience of it. How do these imposed values of the Basin compare to the actual human responses to it? How do these ideologies deal with the unmoving aspects of the place – namely the water, the hospital and its location?
An invitation to distort your senses, mistrust your perception and question your position.
This audio walk was created by Rosa Irwin Clark, Molly Irwin Clark and Alice Ashton of Degenerate Space for Antiuniversity Now 2017. Map download here https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/353e02_518de1e12b78418ea66aa14cf9e419c6.pdf
Hosted by: Degenerate Space