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Faceless Stranger

Faceless Stranger
Jinja, Uganda


Collection · 130 items
Walking piece

A lady walking by the roadside along the Jinja city highway in Uganda carrying some luggage in a sack on her head to an unknown destination. She’s also has a black polythene bag in hand which is common for food stuffs and smaller items from one point to another. I used my mobile phone to capture this photo while my family and I took a breather on a recent journey to our home village of Soroti. I decided to go with a slightly grainy black and white editing to give the photograph a timeless feel while allowing more focus on our faceless stranger on her journey.

APA style reference

deidrieaguti (2023). Faceless Stranger. walk · listen · create.

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earl-footed, hurdle-footed, club-footed

As in “He’s got feet like an earl-footed turnip” (said of someone who walks with his feet turned out). from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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