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Fauna & Avifauna

Fauna & Avifauna
Kakum National Park, Ghana


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Walking piece

Kakum National Park is one of seven park in Ghana and is located in the coast of the Central Region. It has a diverse species of fauna and avifauna. The park was established in 1931 by the local people to preserve the dense forest and was recognized as a national park in 1992.
Kakum national park is one of four parks in Africa with a canopy walkway. Apart from the stunning view of the lush forest, the park has a wildlife education area, lodge, restaurant, picnic area and a camping site. The Kakum river originates from the park with its tributaries meandering into neighboring villages.
Kakum National Park provides delightful natural acoustics for all nature lovers.

APA style reference

Akasiya, T. (2023). Fauna & Avifauna. walk · listen · create.

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mooching (around)

To loiter or walk aimlessly.

Added by Janette Kerr

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