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Following Piece

New York, NY, USA


Collection · 270 items

creating encounters

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Collection · 171 items

walking as research.

Collection · 157 items
Walking piece
No longer available

In autumn 1969, Vito Acconci embarked on an unusual artistic pursuit in New York City. He chose people at random on the streets and followed them, continuing until they entered a building. The duration of these pursuits varied, sometimes lasting only a few minutes, but occasionally extending for hours. His trail weaved through various boroughs including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. The course of his journey was captured in a central map that was part of the project’s documentation. This pursuit, while seemingly intrusive, represented Acconci surrendering control as the routes were dictated by the strangers he followed. He described this experience as losing his individual identity to some extent, becoming a part of a larger plan. Acconci documented this project through a typescript that outlined the specifics of his approach and a photocollage that recorded several of these following incidents.

APA style reference

Acconci, V. (1969). Following Piece. walk · listen · create.
Submitted by: Babak Fakhamzadeh

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“Icelandic culture is infused with stories of travel. When names were needed for modern machines, the technology that enables our imaginations to travel, words were chosen that centred on the quality of roaming. Thus the neologism for laptop is fartölva, formed from the verb far, meaning to migrate, and tölva – migrating computer’; its companion, the external hard drive, is a flakkari. The latter word can also mean ‘wanderer’ or ‘vagrant’. In the end it’s the wanderers we rely on.” From Nancy Campbell’s “The Library of Ice”.

Added by Ruth Broadbent

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