There are several ‘clouds’ seeded with the sounds and oral histories of Old Frome hovering over locations scattered in and around the centre of Frome, Somerset as part of the LISTEN Summer of Sound Art. To access these ‘soundclouds’ or ‘soundpools’ you need to download the SatsymphQR app to your smartphone (Android & iPhone), go to Frome and find the soundpools! Full instructions (and a map) are on the website (below). This is an interactive piece of soundart – different and exciting things happen as you engage with the work by, for example, standing absolutely still … then moving; or by turning on the spot; or by facing in a particular direction. If you sit quietly in St John’s churchyard, wondrous things happen! Be experimental! Walking Memories is a LISTEN commission by Black Swan Arts in partnership with Artmusic curated by Helen Ottaway and coordinated by Mel Day.
Frome Walking Memories
CC-BY-NC: Babak Fakhamzadeh
Hosted by: SatSymph