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Going for a walk

Sound walk

You can take this audio walk anywhere. Or you can listen to it sitting down, wherever you are.

Walking Interconnections responds to the fact that environmentalist discourses seem too readily and without awareness to place the unmarked, able body at their centre. And yet, in terms of daily practices of resilience, disabled people have experiences that are useful to our planning for more sustainable futures. We were keen to discover what those wisdoms are.

Working with co-researchers drawn from the disabled and sustainability communities, we invited each participant to take a partner on a walk of their choice. The conversations they held whilst walking were recorded. This audio material – more than 25 hours in total – was then transcribed and edited into a play by Dee Heddon. The script, Going for a Walk, read by co-researchers and professional performers, has been recorded to create a 30 minute audio- play.

We invite you to listen to this audio play. We encourage you to download the audio track onto your mobile technology and to take it out for a walk. We invite you to go for a walk with us.

APA style reference

Heddon, D. (2014). Going for a walk. walk · listen · create.

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To walk, tread, or step especially heavily.

Added by Morag Paterson

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