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SWS23 2023

Hammer&Egg – an immersive Audiogame

Hamburg, Germany
Sound walk

Cat and ___ ? ABC 123 DEF ___ ?
The mechanisms that our brain uses to fill in the blanks are made up of complex, cognitive processes. What collection of experiences and different reference systems have our internalized systems gathered so that they can quickly form our answers and decisions? We’re constantly breaking down complex information into bite-size chunks in fractions of a second. But how accurate is our internal autopilot? What if instead of after “cats and…” a dog doesn’t follow but allergies instead? What does context, formulation, order, have to do with my perception and interpretation of information? And what happens when we apply our automatic reactions and snap decisions to fields that have real consequences. We are not talking about dogs and cats anymore, but about propaganda, populism, fake news and discrimination. How big is the gap between assumptions and perceived truths and facts and research?
Hammer & Egg is designed for the streets of Hamburg’s HafenCity. To experience the interactive audio walk, participants must be present on-site. However, during the creation of HAMMER&EGG, the script was written piece-by-piece allowing HELLA LUX to adapt the walk to other locations easily. This enables us to incorporate local discourse and invite new audiences to enjoy a localized version of Hammer & Egg.

Hammer&Egg - English Audio Teaser


APA style reference

HELLA LUX (2023). Hammer&Egg – an immersive Audiogame. walk · listen · create.

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Do you like to stroll? Are you a fan of roaming? Then you should give stroaming a try. This is a word blend, just like brunch. In her 1796 novel Camilla, Frances Burney described a character who “stroamed into the ball-room, with the most visible marks of his unfitness for appearing in it.” The OED indicates that stroaming involves “long strides” and/or idleness, so watch your form and attitude when out on a stroam. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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