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London Christmas Treasure Hunt

St. Paul's Cathedral, London, UK
Currently free


Collection · 270 items
Walking piece

Explore the streets at the heart of Ye Olde London, discovering some of the ancient places, events and traditions that still influence how we celebrate Christmas today.

Wander through London’s oldest markets, explore its atmospheric churches, stop off in pubs with ancient histories, and discover the real locations for some of the best loved Christmas tales of all time.


Hosted by: Questo App

APA style reference

Lopez, A. (2022). London Christmas Treasure Hunt. walk · listen · create.

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mindful walking

A form of mindful movement. It uses the everyday activity of walking as a mindfulness practice to help you become more aware of the sensations in your body. By tuning into your environment and the sensations in your body as you walk, it can help you to focus on the present moment.

Added by Kel Portman

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