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SWS23 2023

Look at these Big F**king Trees!! (How To Draw A Tree)

The bench where for Look at These Big F**king Trees! begins
The Arboretum, University of Guelph, Arboretum Road, Guelph, ON, Canada
52 minutes


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creating encounters

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Collection · 121 items
Sound walk

With humour, candour and a gentle heart, Jordie tells the story of his youth and his not-so-typical journey to higher education; he being the first in his family to attend university. The forest used to be a place Jordie went to escape life; now it is where he finds connection.
Trigger warning: talk of suicide (approx. time code: 44:10 to 49:00) and swearing.

This piece is one of 4 participatory works created with and produced by Audio Artist Dawn Matheson as part of her How To Draw A Tree (“to draw” here meaning “to attract”) multimedia soundwalk project. Matheson worked with 4 students living with mental illness who paired with trees for a year-long creative, care-taking engagement culminating in immersive storied sound walks on the grounds of the Arboretum in Guelph, Canada and virtually, online designed by artist Richelle Forsey. (


Producer, Lead Artist, Editor: Dawn Matheson
Visual Artist (website): Richelle Forsey
Host and Audio Recorder: Jordie Lescard
Soundtrack Producer: Jeff Bird

Hosted by: Jordie Lescard (University of Guelph Undergrad student living with mental illness)

APA style reference

Matheson, D. (2023). Look at these Big F**king Trees!! (How To Draw A Tree). walk · listen · create.

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A place to gaze. Conspectuses are viewpoints where the terrain opens itself naturally to the viewer, where the eye can thread in and out of the circle of hills, and names suggest a narrative sequence offering the possibility of beginning to know where you are. Traditional conspectus include suidhe (Gaelic, seat), used to view hunting.

Added by Alec Finlay

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