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creative writing

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walking as research.

Collection · 157 items
Walking piece

“Orientation” brings together five prose pieces that describe a radical alteration in the author’s perception as she explores the world on foot. Most of these pieces were previously connected to individual photographs or photographic projects. In this chapbook, the texts are given a chance to speak to each other, and to show the progression in Alexandra’s thinking about walking and landscape.

APA style reference

Huddleston, A. (2023). Orientation. walk · listen · create.

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slow marathon

A marathon length walk in Huntly/Aberdeenshire and other places, where people can walk as slow as they like. Celebrating the human pace, it is both an endurance event as well as a poetic act that brings together friendship, physical activity and an appreciation of our varied landscapes.

Added by Claudia Zeiske

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