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SWS21 2021

Rain at Mavrovo National Park

Multiple locations
4 minutes
Sound walk

Digital and technology can indeed become control instrument to oppress nature and human beings, but it is up to us to adapt them critically to our human world. We no longer need to believe we are representing the real world of nature. A counter claim to the idea that technology is destructive in our relationship with the natural world would be the claim that technology helps us save the natural world. Although the digital and technology may play a role in the decline in the human relationship with the natural world, it is not completely destructive, as the issue may not be the technology, but rather how we use it. Adapting information systems to enhance planetary life is Digital Ecology.

This sound walk piece was made with elements of natural environment but digitally processed. The field recordings base of the track was recorded in Mavrovo national park, where I usually go for hiking and field recording. It is a national park 1,5h drive from the city of Skopje where I live, so it is a perfect occasion for a fast escape in the woods. It is consisted of a mountain massif with an artificial accumulation lake. The recordings were recorded during several nights by the lake and during rain.

Rain at Mavrovo National Park

Copyright: tonidimitrov

APA style reference

Dimitrov, T. (2021). Rain at Mavrovo National Park. walk · listen · create.

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To walk slowly and heavily along, as in “I must soak home and get a bite to eat.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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