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Soundwalkscape December


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Walking piece

Soundwalkscapes December
The FINAL WORK in this year-long project!
My rule was to take a walk on the first Monday of every month in 2023, wherever I happened to be. In December I walked along the Central Park NY bridleway, through tunnels, singing long tones as I went.

For Soundwalkscapes January to June 2023, a CD/DL will be released of re-edited tracks on label Flaming Pines in early 2024!
Soundwalkscapes July to October are on soundcloud.
Soundwalkscape November is on WalkListenCreate.

APA style reference

Corringham, V. (2023). Soundwalkscape December. walk · listen · create.

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A memory of landscape or an illustrated poem.

Added by Alec Finlay

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