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The Peripatetic Photography of Georges Salameh by Georgios Giannopoulos

Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces

22 - 24 Jul, 2020 · 33 items
Sound walk

Against the background of contemporary psychogeographic works, this paper examines Salameh’s work in comparison with that of other contemporary artists walking across urban landscapes such as Patrick Keiller (“London”, “Robinson in Space” and “Robinson in Ruins”) in the UK, Alec Soth (“Dog Days”) in Colombia, Daido Moriyama (“Daido Tokyo”) in Japan and Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (“Elegy for Bangalore”) in India. It explores their use of photographs to make soundscapes, soundscapes to make images, and the employment of fictional travellers to recreate a psychogeographic experience of the city through the evocation of images and sounds which alternately alienate them and draw them in.

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Hosted by: Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces - Made of Walking (VII), Guimaraes (Portugal) - 22-24 July 2020

APA style reference

Giannopoulos, G. (2020). The Peripatetic Photography of Georges Salameh by Georgios Giannopoulos. walk · listen · create.

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Aimless wandering.

Added by Morag Paterson

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